Flamingo's Roads

In bici sulle coste della Sardegna

Flamingo's Roads

In bici sulle coste della Sardegna

Flamingo's Roads


from 27th september 2023

About Us

After twenty years spent in the organization of touristic/competitive cycling of the “GiroSardegna”, I decided to dedicate my commitment to touristic/environmental/healthy cycling, creating a reliable and highly efficient operating group that can address those millions of bike users who seek a use compatible with their degree of “training”.

The reality that has manifested itself in recent years is before everyone’s eyes: bike users have increased enormously due to a sum of factors (Covid pandemic, cycle paths, pursuit of physical well-being, desire for more contact with nature, search for a healthy lifestyle, etc.) and the advent of the E-bike has opened new horizons for a large part of the practitioners.

Furthermore, the bike has now become a cult object even in the affluent classes and, more and more, the “normal” cyclist wants to plan a NON-competitive use of the bicycle!

That’s why the “Flamingo’s Roads” were born!

The “ Flamingo’s Roads ” are those that line the sea of ​​Sardinia and from which you can admire its spectacular beauties: they are UNIQUE routes in the world, extraordinary for the beauty of the beaches, the marine views and the particularity of the areas crossed.

Sardinia is a paradise for cycling in ALL its forms and the goal I have set myself is to create opportunities that over the years will be an irresistible attraction for bike users from all over the world!

And last year, in addition to giving life to the “Pink Flamingos” (initiative which gave me and all the participants a lot of satisfaction), at the end of September I planned the ” Flamingo’s Roads number zero” which brought about fifty cyclists to travel the entire circumnavigation of Sardinia in two different ways:

  1. For randonneurs: “1,000 Flamingos” patent (a 1,000 km NON STOP to be completed within 75 hours of departure): about thirty cyclists tried their hand at the feat, almost all of them managing to complete it;
  2. For cycle tourists: “Flamingo’s Roads” diploma (ten consecutive stages of 100 km each) … and about twenty people took part.


EVERYONE raved about their experience and many of them will definitely repeat!

Now, in the late Sardinian summer 2023, I have planned the complete repetition of the “Flamingo’s Roads” with some small adjustments due to the experience made last year, while for the Randonneurs I have new and even more stimulating initiatives in store for 2024!

Cristina Concas

What are the "Flamingo's Roads"?

The “Roads of Flamingos” are those that line the sea of ​​Sardinia and from which you can admire all its spectacular beauties: they are extraordinary and UNIQUE routes in the world for the beauty of the beaches and sea views and for the particularity of the areas crossed.

To allow “ALL” the opportunity to benefit from the masterpieces that nature has created in the thousand kilometers that measure the circumnavigation of the island, the “Flamingo’s Roads” stages are traveled in a new way: the pedaling rhithm is personal, the choices are individual, the routes are pre-defined and the attractions marked.

Cyclists depart from Olbia on the morning of Thursday 28 September and and they will almost always pedal in sight of the sea in a simple, safe and pleasant way!

They will have arrived in Olbia on the afternoon of Wednesday 27 September (reception at the hotel, presentation briefing, delivery of numbers and materials, dinner, overnight stay) having only the bike and a trolley in which to store the essentials for the duration of the stay: ANYTHING THE REST DOES THE ORGANIZATION!

Any bag used in air/ship bike transport remains in Olbia while the “luggage” is moved daily to the various hotels reserved for each stage; the route is fixed on GPS and there is the “Carro Scopa” for the difficulties that may arise along the way.

In the daily routes, already directly from the road, you can see much of the “best” of the Sardinian coasts, but for each stage, nearby attractions are also suggested that the participant is free to see and/or do: ultimately, after the departure the cyclist can “design” the day according to his wishes!

The departures are always made all together to “make a group” but then everyone can see/do what they want (… a swim in the sea; visit a specific attraction; stop for lunch in a certain restaurant; etc.).

The “attractions” that cyclists encounter along the road are highlighted in the progressive kilometer scale of the single stage; the distances of those for which the detour is necessary are also indicated.

The constants in the manifestation are:

view of the sea and the beaches: it is practically continuous in the first 700 km, then the Orientale Sarda also shows the particularity and beauty of the mountains of the island

– scarcity of traffic: at the end of September there are no summer tourists and the roads are once again the few who have the privilege of living on the island. If we exclude the Cagliari area, for most of the 1,000 km road traffic is so poor that cyclists, pedaling in these wonders of nature, will not hear engine noises!

Every evening before dinner, in the Main Hotel of each stage, the next stage is illustrated.

The gadget of the event is the Flamingo’s Roads technical t-shirt, given to all registered cyclists, but it will be the “finisseur” medal received at the end of the ten stages that will testify to the feat accomplished.


Each participant is given a “Road Book” (plan, elevation, progressive kilometers with indications of the direction to take).

Flamingo’ Roads is NOT a Race: cyclists are not required to have Cards and/or medical certificates: it is sufficient that everyone has signed the registration form with the release containing the declaration of being in good health and able to face the limited distance to be covered by bike in single days.

In hotels, cyclists must leave their bikes in the storage room, if available, avoiding taking them inside the rooms: any possible damage to blankets, towels, etc. will be charged to the occupants of the room.

The cars of any companions can follow the cyclist.

The Start of Flamingo's Roads 2023 is missing:


Decidi tu come vuoi vivere la Sardegna. Scegli in quale percorso pedalare.

Evento Benefico fuori dai circuiti di gara

Chi sono le “Pink Flamingos” e perché sono nate!

Volendo programmare un evento che faccia riflettere sulla necessità di aprire prospettive di vita alle donne che nel corso della loro hanno incontrato il cancro, è parso naturale “gemellare” gli ospedali oncologici esistenti in Sardegna unendoli tutti in un viaggio che parte da Cagliari per toccare TUTTE le altre per infine concludersi ancora a Cagliari, ma questa volta nello Stagno di Molentargius … tra il rosa dei fenicotteri.

Il “viaggio” è fatto in bicicletta e le cicliste che effettueranno il percorso faranno un ipotetico volo dai luoghi della sofferenza fino ad unirsi ad uccelli che nell’Isola hanno trovato la loro casa ideale al punto di viverci in maniera stanziale: le cicliste saranno così le Pink Flamingos (i Fenicotteri Rosa) che hanno superato il dolore riuscendo a librarsi sopra di esso, LIBERE!!

La bici è il mezzo ideale per consentire il loro “volo”: significa fatica fisica e mentale indispensabile per raggiungere l’obiettivo ma, questa fatica, al di là del gesto sportivo, si tramuta in benessere fisico, libertà di vivere intensamente nella natura, vita sana e movimento.

Il volo delle Pink Flamingos è difficile ed impegnativo: sono donne che, per tentare di farlo, hanno dovuto imparare ad usare una bici adatta sapendo che dovranno pedalare una intera settimana nella quale dovranno superare montagne, affrontare il traffico delle città, pedalare spesso in solitudine ed affrontare la sfida impegnativa di un percorso lungo e faticoso che “abbraccia”, idealmente, tutta la Sardegna fino a concludersi assieme ad altre donne che vorranno accompagnarle negli ultimi chilometri dell’impresa.

La pedalata si concluderà poi nella festa finale nel Parco delle Emozioni, proprio di fronte allo spettacolo naturale di migliaia di Fenicotteri Rosa.

Scarica il PDF completo con la presentazione delle Pink Flamingos

Ecco cosa rende unico il GiroSardegna

Difficoltà variabili

Scegli, tra i DUE percorsi di Gara, quello più adatto a Te, tra il MedioGiro e il GranGiro.

Scegli se fare il Turista

Potrai decidere di iscriverti al percorso turistico, senza pensare ai Tempi o alla Velocità. Ti godrai SOLO gli splendidi paesaggi che la Sardegna offre.

E' una Gara Internazionale

Gareggerai con ciclisti di tutto il mondo, anche dalle nazioni più lontane, come Australia, USA e Brasile.

Pensa solo a divertirti, pensiamo a tutto noi

Hotel in pensione completa, gadget, ristori, timing, assistenza medica, assistenza meccanica, carro scopa, premi, estrazioni a sorte.